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Manuals and specifications

  Date Language Size
Reference Manual (Revision C)
11.01.2018 en 1,8 MB
Owner’s Manual (Revision B)
17.03.2017 en 3,9 MB

  Date Language Size
Tested Storage Media
28.03.2024 en 36 KB
Product information
12.04.2019 en 130 KB
Important note on power interruption when using phantom power
07.05.2013 en 104 KB

  Date Language Size
Firmware v2.51
04.06.2021 en 991 KB
v2.51 Release Notes
04.06.2021 en 12 KB
Firmware v2.50
18.06.2019 en 1013 KB
How to update the firmware
18.06.2019 en 116 KB